Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A happy birthday week!

Thank you to all the ladies that came to help today at our house. It's lovely to look around and see clean windows, clean floors, clean flowerbeds, clean garden, clean painted shelves and more.

I realized this evening that just the distraction of having everyone here was a blessing.  When there are other things to plan for, live for and experience, it helps to take my mind off of the every day changes and worries and lifts my spirits!  So thank you for giving us a wonderful day that will be blessing us for a long time to come!

There isn't much to report on Ian's health status at the moment.  We've been calling the doctor's office every day this week to find out what is going on.  It sounds like the doctor needs to talk to Ian before we can get an appointment.  Several of the tests he took have come back and maybe after looking at those he is making another decision.  One of the nurses mentioned that the doctor is only looking to do a muscle biopsy and not the EMG?  Until we talk to the doctor we won't know but it's nice to think Ian might not have to go through another EMG again.  (And I won't have to watch him experience it either!)  Pray with us that the doctor will call soon and we can move forward in scheduling the next step in this process.

(Just a little note, in case you didn't know, I have a wonderful husband!  Not only does he remember to give me my vitamins every day but he took me to a greenhouse yesterday for my birthday and helped me pick out some lovely house plants!)